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Who are you? Who, who, who, who?

Updated: Jul 13, 2023

Here's the origin story of my PT career, this Interconnection PT biz:

I have always been a person interested in the natural world and living beings with gardeners, hikers, and doctors in my family. I grew up in Greensboro, NC and throughout my childhood and adolescence, I wanted to be a veterinarian. I turned my studies in college toward animal science, I even worked one summer with farm animals, but once I got to my senior year, it just did not feel right. After graduating from Furman University in Greenville, SC in 2011, with a B.S. in Biology, I knew I was not ready for grad school, so I waited tables, then in worked in a plant nursery along with managing a small landscaping business. I even almost went to grad school for landscape architecture, but still, that just didn't feel right.

Eventually, I took an online career and personality aptitude test recommended by a family friend and was matched to Physical Therapy, among other careers. I realized I could use my strengths and my curiosity of the natural world along with my inclination for holistic health, wellness, and personality to really help people. As soon as I started shadowing in the clinic, I knew PT was it for me: positive, medical, and healing--plus I've always been a natural cheerleader.

After surviving grad school, I opted for clinical rotations in places where I could live with friends/family. Nashville was my last clinical rotation and it felt like the stars aligned as I just happened to meet my best friend and life partner in the same night! I guess you could say, Nashville seemed like it wanted me here, so I moved back after graduation.

Fast-forward a bit and I met my mentor/past business partner/sister-friend Rebecca Lowe, a certified COMT, FAAOMT through a dear friend. She encouraged me to take a leap of faith and leave my high-volume outpatient orthopedic job to work with her and train with her as an apprentice in orthopedic manual therapy. With a few years of experience under my belt, I left my job and I started working with her full-time in June of 2022 (I NEVER could have done this without the support of my sweet partner).

Rebecca has recently decided to retire and move to the woods, which truthfully, I wish we all could do, so here we are July 2023, and I am opening up on my own to start Interconnection Physical Therapy!

So that's me, DPT: Doctor of Physical Therapy as of 2018, AOMT: Apprentice of Orthopedic Manual Therapy as of early 2023, business owner, and soon to be COMT: Certified Orthopedic Manual Therapist through NAIOMT [North American Institute of Orthopedic Manual Therapy] (aka, a lot of hours studying anatomy, biomechanics, and manual therapy techniques). WHEW. I love working with tools to get through fascia, dry needles to work out taut muscles, and incorporating simple movements into busy lifestyles to make small, life-long changes.

I dream of supporting another PT in the future to join me (hint, hint if you're reading this and it is you, reach out!). I hope to build an interconnected referral network of healers/bodyworkers/providers so that clients can direct their own healing journey, buffet style.

I guess that's a lot to put out there, but this is me.

Ta ta for now, more to share later, ‘cause sharing is caring,

<3 Cat

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