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Time Warp

It's astounding, time is fleeting!

Yep. Thanks for the continued life lessons #RockyHorrorPictureShow

Life is wonderfully busy at times and hits lulls during others. In my spurts of energy after having my first child in December of 2023, actually on my birthday--shout out to the #babybirthdaytwins out there--we have been busy connecting with other young parents in our community and traveling to be with family and friends. Maybe a little energy spent toward consistency in a routine, but as all you parents out there know, as soon as you get it down, something changes.

I have had the opportunity in the down time, with my return of energy, to focus on my business and recalibrate what it means to incorporate movement into my life. Pilates is a huge help here--reconnecting with my body and my abdominals. I am finding myself ready to strength train physically and energy to continue to propel and promote my career.

There's been a creative surge too, I'm actually going to re-brand! I am super excited about it. While IPT felt right at the time, there's not much association or sense memory with the name... it's too broad. So I'm going with something that is a bit of me and a bit of Tennessee. #rebranding #herewecome #movingforward #thefutureiscoming

Well that's just a little blerb into my mind. For all of those reading, not many of you (it's all good), YOU'VE GOT THIS. Just when you think you can't or what's the point, tomorrow is another day and another opportunity. Sometimes you don't get anything done, we don't have to be productive to have worth. Sometimes you do it all, that's cool when it works out (rarely). Sometimes you just stretch your hamstrings while you lean over the crib and do squats while you feed your dog and pick-up toys. That's cool too.

I'm here, I'm still beating up and supporting my clients. I look forward to the re-brand ride and I'll keep you posted.

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