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About Section


Physical Therapy is a doctorate-level profession based on the body's ability to heal itself.

A medical practice, backed by scientific evidence,

that utilizes pain-relieving modalities, touch, education,

& movement.



 We are the movement specialists focused on quality of life:

assessing & treating pain with or without movement.



My speciality is in manual therapy :

using touch to relieve your pain & facilitate change.

Then to provide you with a personalized plan

& empower you to support your body <3

Dr. Cat May, DPT, woman with brown hair, white shirt, green pants, friendly smile

RECONNECT to your body

Your body is resilient & so are you! There is ALWAYS something that can be done to manage pain.


Sometimes we just need advice from a professional to get started, to help define our limitations, and/or to fine-tune what we're already doing.


INTERCONNECTION Physical Therapy is whole-person focused, body positive, individualized care

with heart, soul, & personal touch

By Appointment


 Covenant Capital Group Building

4515 Harding Pike  - Suite 101 - Nashville, TN 37205 

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